Breast Implant Illness Recovery
As many women around the world will attest, Breast Implant Illness is real. Symptoms can include: chronic pain, anxiety, headaches, hair loss, brain fog, joint pain and more. The Simple Wellness BII Recovery program for patients suffering from symptoms related to breast implant illness begins after the explant procedure.
If there is a stimulus for the body to react against, until it is removed we generally do not feel our best. If your body has started to react to the implant, detoxification and recovery is not effective until it is removed.
How it Works
Detoxification and recovery is a combination of both mind and body to again connect to one another and find our true self. Our bodies are truly amazing. We are composed of a network of amazing cells and systems linked and honed- perfect by nature. Symptoms are a ‘voice’ your Body has for a process underneath. You fix the ‘why’ the symptoms are there, and you can then use the strength of nature to help you get better.
Emotional Distress
How we feel about our bodies, ourselves, and this long journey to making this decision and then the actual removal of the implants themselves, is extremely complex. This can often times be just as hard if not harder than helping the body to recover. The body wants to heal and let go of things quicker than our minds. The amount of energy it takes to work through these concepts mentally can be so much harder. We are very aware of the importance of mental recovery. Women need to feel supported and have an outlet to discuss their journey and assist them with processing through all of this.
I typically recommend that after explanting, allow the body to recover and then come in about a week or two later for evaluation. We conduct a wellness blood panel- essentially asking the body where we can help with additional healing. With those results, we can get started on our detoxification and recovery quest with the implants successfully removed.
Breast implant induced toxicity affects each person differently and to varying levels. Patients often ask me how long the detoxification and recovery process will take. Although some research sites and various information suggests one month of detox for every year you have had implants, I find that it varies greatly from person to person. Mainly because the body needs healthy organs to utilize its own built in detoxification and recovery system.
<<<Contact us with questions or for a consultation.
You are not alone on this journey. Breast Implant Illness affects millions of women. Here are some helpful support groups and resources to help you along the way.
Breast Implant Illness- Iowa/Nebraska/Missouri Chapter Private Facebook Group (over 150 members)
Breast Implant Illness and Healing by Nicole Facebook Group (over 90,000 members)
The FDA Requests Allergan Voluntarily Recall Natrelle BIOCELL Textured Breast Implants– Notice from the FDA
Worldwide recall issued for textured breast implants tied to rare cancer
FDA Risks and Complications of Breast Implants
Breast Implant Illness Facebook Support Group (over 4,500 members)
Podcast (8/19)- Breast Implant Illness: What Do We Know Right Now?
Dr. Ronald Bergman– Board certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery by the American Association of Physicians Specialists and has fellowships from the International College of Surgeons, American Association of Medical Specialists, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, American College of Angiology and American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons.