PRP Shot for Men

One of the only non-surgical male enhancement treatments that can increase penis size.

The PRP Shot for Men is a drug-free, surgery-free procedure that is designed to improve a man’s sex life by providing a medically proven, safe and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). It offers an excellent alternative to prescription drugs or surgical procedures. As an added bonus, the procedure also is one of the only non-surgical male enhancement treatments that can increase penis size, as well as improve sexual performance and overall sexual health.

How it Works

The secret is something known as Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP. PRP therapy involves separating the healing or “growth factors” in your blood from the rest of the blood cells, and then re-injecting that super-charged plasma back into your body.

Treatment & Results

The PRP Shot for Men improves blood flow to the penis. The increased circulation restores ability to achieve longer, stronger, and more sustainable erections. The healing and growth factors in the PRP rejuvenate existing blood vessels, and stimulate the production of new blood vessels. The result is significantly improved blood flow to the penis, essential to erectile function. But there’s more. As a kind of stem cell therapy, it not only improves blood flow but also stimulates the growth of new cells in erectile tissues. That means that it can also increase penis size. Increases in length and girth of 10%–20% are not uncommon with the PRP Shot for Men.