Body Recomposition & Weight Loss
“I call it fat loss, not weight loss. We want to help you be the strongest, leanest version that you want to be.”
– Dr. Durland
Body fat happens when the body interprets stress. When stress if present, our body wants to be light and it will store fat, and eat muscle. It is trying to make it lighter so if it has to go a long way, it survives on less. If we strive to help people with weight loss only, then we may be making people a fatter, weaker version of themselves.
At SIMPLE, we strive to help you reduce body fat while maintaining muscle mass.
Customized Body Recomposition Analysis
We are equipped to help people with the inside and the out. We create a customized program to create a metabolic, dietary, exercise overhaul, for your body, beginning with a customized Body Recomposition analysis. Our objective is to learn why your body is putting on the fat, and change it, leading to:
- • Sustainable weight loss
- • Increased energy
- • Improved strength at any age
- • Burn more calories
Machines and Procedures
We also have several machines and procedures that help with removal of fat cells to quicken the process
> Customized weight management and fitness protocols> Body Recomposition Analysis Intake> Customized meal plans> CoolSculpting> Body shaping and contouring
Our program is centered around the Simple 7
When all in sync, the body is strong and centered and weight actually easily falls away. This is because stress causes the body to protect itself. But you de stress the body – it always wants you to be the strongest leanest version of yourself – after all, you did come from nature.
Our program:
- Nurse Consult (free)
- Labs
- Consult with Dr. Durland
- Weekly check ins with nursing staff in person or over FaceTime/etc.
- Medications/Supplements
- Exercise Prescription
- Monthly MD Checks with Body Comps
- Nutrition Consultation if Needed
- Other supportive services if needed; counseling, physical therapy, massage, etc.

Our program is individualized and customized
Pricing depends on needs. The process may take 6-12 months, sometimes takes longer or is shorter – everyone is different.
We help you understand WHY and help you relearn HOW to maintain fat loss.
During program enrollment you’ll receive 15% off Coolsculpting and V-Shape pricing.