Weight Loss: a perspective

Weight Loss: a perspective

What is the desire for weight loss? To feel lighter? To hurt a little less? To reconnect with yourself? In helping individuals with weight loss, I have asked many questions. Such as why do 80% (or so) of weight loss plans “fail”? Well, maybe it is because weight is...
What makes your journey special?    By Dr. Durland

What makes your journey special? By Dr. Durland

Everyone’s journey is unique, but we all share some of these cool things about being human: Sunrises and sunsets The sound of waves The smell of the trees when the wind blows through the mountains Rainbows The sound of a mountain stream Clouds Recess Coloring...
Reflection Friday by Dr. Durland

Reflection Friday by Dr. Durland

Well, my morning drive to the Iowa Office starts at about 4 am. This morning, I was filled with thankfulness and gratitude while enjoying the amazing sunrise. It was so beautiful and inspiring that I wanted to pass my thoughts on to you all. This week has been another...
Simply Simple Thoughts- Just Turn by Dr. Durland

Simply Simple Thoughts- Just Turn by Dr. Durland

Just Turn Sometimes we transform our bodies on the outside… Sometimes we transform on the inside… Both are so important. Don’t mistake that one is better or more valued than the other. Not every step of life is reflected in what we see. Kind of like...