Weight Loss: a perspective

Weight Loss: a perspective

What is the desire for weight loss? To feel lighter? To hurt a little less? To reconnect with yourself? In helping individuals with weight loss, I have asked many questions. Such as why do 80% (or so) of weight loss plans “fail”? Well, maybe it is because weight is...
Celebrate the Beauty, Regardless by Dr. Durland

Celebrate the Beauty, Regardless by Dr. Durland

Well, some people think I am always happy, but sometimes I can get a little worked up and last week was one of those times. I had a day full of challenging issues- paired with the fact that when I got home the dog left me a special package on the floor. However, I...
Balance is a Simple Math Equation by Dr. Durland

Balance is a Simple Math Equation by Dr. Durland

Balance (or equilibrium) is one of my Simple 7 principals but what the heck is it? Often balance feels like an illusion. I embrace it as I age, but it is a daily dynamic that requires constant adjustment. I describe balance of energy as a simple math equation. A + B +...
Your Body Wants to Move by Dr. Durland

Your Body Wants to Move by Dr. Durland

Energy is movement. Movement is a natural way that a human body de-stresses. There are certain tendencies that we all have when it comes to movement as we get older. Here are a few of my observations: Do the opposite of what you are good at as you age I’ll use the...