As we age, we can feel like we are leaving ourselves because we look different in the mirror. But, look behind the mirror- look at your eyes. Look into your eyes. They are more wise and more confident than ever. Your skin, your hair, your nails, your eye lashes are all just part of your body. And guess what, they can all regenerate themselves with a little help.

Now, you don’t have to do this. Some of us look in the mirror and see ourselves looking right back at us.

But, if you look in the mirror and feel like you are losing yourself, just know that you are not. Your shell is regenerative if you just speak its language. It is okay to regenerate your shell if you want to. It is okay to freeze fat off, to treat wrinkles, to lighten dark spots, to remove scars, to eliminate cellulite- if you want to. Give yourself permission. Seriously, it is all okay. It is YOUR body. I tell folks all the time, life is hard; your body is easy (for the most part).


Dr Samantha Durland PodcastDr. Samantha Durland is board-certified in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Anti-aging and Regenerative medicine and Fellowship trained in Metabolic and Nutritional medicine. Learn more about her ground-breaking philosophy and prescription for wellness- My Simple 7– daily actions to thrive in a strong, healthy and peaceful body here. Learn more about my Simple Weight Loss Plan (which includes the Simple 7-day Detox) and my Simple Hormone Plan to feel like a younger version of yourself.