Everyone’s journey is unique, but we all share some of these cool things about being human:

Sunrises and sunsets

The sound of waves

The smell of the trees when the wind blows through the mountains


The sound of a mountain stream





Learning to overcome our fear

Making friends






Being a parent

Being a grandparent

Being a friend

And most of all….

Connection and Love….mixed with everything.

Any other cool things about the journey of just being human? The possibilities are limitless.

If you haven’t tried it yet, check out the Simple Wellness Core Restore Detox kit, now available online in Chocolate or Vanilla. Simple Wellness Core Restore is a comprehensive 7-day diet, lifestyle and nutrient program designed to reduce toxic burden and support Phase I and II liver detoxification function. Make it SIMPLE, have it shipped straight to your door.


Dr Samantha Durland PodcastDr. Samantha Durland is board-certified in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Anti-aging and Regenerative medicine and Fellowship trained in Metabolic and Nutritional medicine. Learn more about her ground-breaking philosophy and prescription for wellness- My Simple 7– daily actions to thrive in a strong, healthy and peaceful body. Also, learn more about Dr. Durland’s Simple Weight Loss Plan (which includes the Simple 7-day Detox) and her Simple Hormone Plan to feel like a younger version of yourself.