by Dr. Samantha Durland | Oct 22, 2019
Balance (or equilibrium) is one of my Simple 7 principals but what the heck is it? Often balance feels like an illusion. I embrace it as I age, but it is a daily dynamic that requires constant adjustment. I describe balance of energy as a simple math equation. A + B +...
by Lauren Easton | Sep 26, 2019
One of the most common concerns of patients is a lack of quality, restful sleep. Whether you toss and turn all night long or experience difficulty falling asleep, you may be among the population of sleep-deprived adults in the United States. As we all know, a night of...
by Dr. Samantha Durland | Sep 17, 2019
Your body has been talking to you your whole life as has mine- the question is do we listen? Listening becomes even more important as we age. Our body needs us to listen more so that we feel our best. When we have youth, our body hides a lot of the hits that it takes...
by Dr. Samantha Durland | Sep 9, 2019
People call this point in life many different things for many different reasons. I think this mid life point may be the first time for some, that as their body ages, it just cannot sustain giving so much energy away and not getting some in return. Let me explain....
by Dr. Samantha Durland | Sep 4, 2019
Believe Who You Are Stop pushing against what you are. Accept who you have always been. You have amazing power that you will see only when you embrace yourself. If you are still, you will start to hear and see. Then life’s direction will be more meaningful. You...