by Dr. Samantha Durland | Oct 10, 2019
As we age, we can feel like we are leaving ourselves because we look different in the mirror. But, look behind the mirror- look at your eyes. Look into your eyes. They are more wise and more confident than ever. Your skin, your hair, your nails, your eye lashes are...
by Lauren Easton | Oct 10, 2019
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation was the most popular surgical cosmetic procedure conducted in 2018, with a total of 313,735 procedures. A plastic surgeon performs this elective procedure with saline implants, silicone...
by Dr. Samantha Durland | Oct 7, 2019
Although there is not a specific test to diagnose Breast Implant Illness (BII), the illness is real as many woman around the world will attest. Symptoms include: chronic pain, anxiety, headaches, hair loss, brain fog, joint pain and more. Patients report instant...
by Dr. Samantha Durland | Oct 1, 2019
I can hear it now, what the heck is “Newtox”? Well, this year the FDA approved a new Botox-like product called Jeuveau (pronouced joo-voh). Botox is a brand name given to the neurotoxin that is produced from the manufacturer Allergan. Other neurotoxins...
by Lauren Easton | Sep 26, 2019
One of the most common concerns of patients is a lack of quality, restful sleep. Whether you toss and turn all night long or experience difficulty falling asleep, you may be among the population of sleep-deprived adults in the United States. As we all know, a night of...