Tips for Mental Clarity by Dr. Lauren Easton

Tips for Mental Clarity by Dr. Lauren Easton

Do you ever feel like your days are a blur of tasks, errands, and dilemmas? Perhaps you move throughout your day with apprehension about finishing the next item on your to-do list, frustrated by aspects of your environment outside of your control. I recently spoke to...
Finding Your Equilibrium by Dr. Durland

Finding Your Equilibrium by Dr. Durland

Equilibrium is your balance of energy. It is a bit more abstract than the other Simple 7 principals, but super important. Now, for this hear me out and please read this whole thing. The more I do what I do, I realize this is one of the most important parts of the 7...
Simply Simple Thoughts- Just Turn by Dr. Durland

Simply Simple Thoughts- Just Turn by Dr. Durland

Just Turn Sometimes we transform our bodies on the outside… Sometimes we transform on the inside… Both are so important. Don’t mistake that one is better or more valued than the other. Not every step of life is reflected in what we see. Kind of like...
How to detox your thoughts by Dr. Lauren Easton, Ph.D.

How to detox your thoughts by Dr. Lauren Easton, Ph.D.

“Toxic” thoughts are the negative thoughts tied to our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. These thoughts can influence our decisions, our emotions, and our behaviors. Examples of negative thinking include all-or-nothing thinking, focusing on negativity,...
Real Truth About Detoxes by Simple Intern Ellen Almanza

Real Truth About Detoxes by Simple Intern Ellen Almanza

In western culture, the social media environment offers a platform for glorifying certain body types of men (e.g., muscular, lean) and women (thin, lean) and the methods used to achieve them. A ‘detox’ diet is meant to detoxify the body of impurities, improve health,...
The Body and Mind Connection to Weight Loss

The Body and Mind Connection to Weight Loss

Positivity really does make a difference. As part of the Simple Weight Loss Program, you receive the affirmation to believe in yourself, listen to yourself and be yourself. Dr. Durland provides the medical guidance and Dr. Easton provides the psychological connection....
Simply Simple Thoughts by Dr. Durland

Simply Simple Thoughts by Dr. Durland

Just Be I belong nowhere but everywhere. I fit with no one but am brave. I cannot see what others see but I see beauty. I am different. I am strong. I am brave. I am love. If I was like everyone else, I would never be like myself. Just be Be yourself. Be brave. Be...
Why Eat Avocados? by Ellen Almanza

Why Eat Avocados? by Ellen Almanza

Dr. Durland refers to avocados as “nature’s butter!” People tend to fear fatty foods because of the negative stigma surrounding the word “fat.” Although most of the calories from an avocado come from fat, there is no need to fear these green goddesses. Avocados...