What makes your journey special?    By Dr. Durland

What makes your journey special? By Dr. Durland

Everyone’s journey is unique, but we all share some of these cool things about being human: Sunrises and sunsets The sound of waves The smell of the trees when the wind blows through the mountains Rainbows The sound of a mountain stream Clouds Recess Coloring...
The Food Connection by Dr. Durland

The Food Connection by Dr. Durland

I had an epiphany this morning while washing out my coffee cup (incidentally after meeting with Craig from Ortho Molecular Products I decided I should detox- and guess what, I do feel better). How beautiful the human body is. It’s so forgiving and always trying...
My New Year’s Resolution by Dr. Durland

My New Year’s Resolution by Dr. Durland

I had a patient ask me about my resolution for this year. So after I thought about it for a while, I decided to share my resolutions with you. I am so thankful for the journey of life and the opportunity to have it with you all. And while I have the honor and...
Sometimes You Just Need a Little Help

Sometimes You Just Need a Little Help

Every December, we are inundated with “new year, new you” mantras and encouraged to improve everything from our diets to our home decor. Whether you decide to spend the first week of January detoxing with green smoothies or decluttering your closet, it’s important to...
Tips for Enjoying the Holidays by Dr. Lauren Easton

Tips for Enjoying the Holidays by Dr. Lauren Easton

Ah the holidays. For some of us, it’s an absolute frenzy of grocery shopping, food preparation, meal presentation, cleanup, and lastly, utter exhaustion. It is easy to get caught up in the idea of creating the “perfect” holiday. Years ago, my mother wanted to set a...
Reflection Friday by Dr. Durland

Reflection Friday by Dr. Durland

Well, my morning drive to the Iowa Office starts at about 4 am. This morning, I was filled with thankfulness and gratitude while enjoying the amazing sunrise. It was so beautiful and inspiring that I wanted to pass my thoughts on to you all. This week has been another...
Celebrate the Beauty, Regardless by Dr. Durland

Celebrate the Beauty, Regardless by Dr. Durland

Well, some people think I am always happy, but sometimes I can get a little worked up and last week was one of those times. I had a day full of challenging issues- paired with the fact that when I got home the dog left me a special package on the floor. However, I...
Holidays and Stress, We Can Help by Dr. Lauren Easton

Holidays and Stress, We Can Help by Dr. Lauren Easton

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year? More like, it’s the most stressful time of the year!” When I heard this statement from a patient, I started to think about the different ways people give energy to others during the holidays without giving energy to...
Thankful by Dr. Durland

Thankful by Dr. Durland

I just have to say how thankful and honored I am to be part of the journey with folks. I am constantly inspired by the will and strength of those I see on a daily basis. It is not even 7:45 am and I have had the opportunity to meet with 2 patients already. I hear the...