Balance is a Simple Math Equation by Dr. Durland

Balance is a Simple Math Equation by Dr. Durland

Balance (or equilibrium) is one of my Simple 7 principals but what the heck is it? Often balance feels like an illusion. I embrace it as I age, but it is a daily dynamic that requires constant adjustment. I describe balance of energy as a simple math equation. A + B +...
Get to Know Your Breasts by Dr. Durland

Get to Know Your Breasts by Dr. Durland

How well do you REALLY know your breasts? Think about the last time you actually looked at and touched your breasts. Not just some quick suds action with a bar of soap, but actually thought about what you were feeling all around each breast. Take time to not only...
Our Breasts and Self-Esteem by Dr. Lauren Easton

Our Breasts and Self-Esteem by Dr. Lauren Easton

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation was the most popular surgical cosmetic procedure conducted in 2018, with a total of 313,735 procedures. A plastic surgeon performs this elective procedure with saline implants, silicone...
Breast Implant Illness Recovery by Dr. Durland

Breast Implant Illness Recovery by Dr. Durland

Although there is not a specific test to diagnose Breast Implant Illness (BII), the illness is real as many woman around the world will attest. Symptoms include: chronic pain, anxiety, headaches, hair loss, brain fog, joint pain and more. Patients report instant...
The Newtox in Town by Dr. Durland

The Newtox in Town by Dr. Durland

I can hear it now, what the heck is “Newtox”? Well, this year the FDA approved a new Botox-like product called Jeuveau (pronouced joo-voh). Botox is a brand name given to the neurotoxin that is produced from the manufacturer Allergan. Other neurotoxins...
Powerful and Strong by Dr. Durland

Powerful and Strong by Dr. Durland

My husband will tell you that I used to not enjoy watching boxing at all. It was a violent sport. Then I started to work out more and my respect for boxers grew. They are so cardiovascularly fit, strong, and their body fat is low. How do they do it? Well, I started...
Sleep Rejuvenation by Dr. Lauren Easton

Sleep Rejuvenation by Dr. Lauren Easton

One of the most common concerns of patients is a lack of quality, restful sleep. Whether you toss and turn all night long or experience difficulty falling asleep, you may be among the population of sleep-deprived adults in the United States. As we all know, a night of...
Your Body Wants to Move by Dr. Durland

Your Body Wants to Move by Dr. Durland

Energy is movement. Movement is a natural way that a human body de-stresses. There are certain tendencies that we all have when it comes to movement as we get older. Here are a few of my observations: Do the opposite of what you are good at as you age I’ll use the...
Simply Simple Thoughts: Listening by Dr. Durland

Simply Simple Thoughts: Listening by Dr. Durland

As a doctor, I am merely a guide on your personal journey- another voice. Your body is actually telling the tale. This is your journey- not mine- not anyone else’s. Where you head and the directions you choose are up to you. Never forget that we are uniform in that we...